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The CEUTP as an Intermediate Body in the Infrastructure and Environment Programme

CUPT as an Intermediate Body in the Infrastructure and Environment Programme

In the years 2014-2020, the CEUTP (acting as an Intermediate Body) is responsible for the implementation of the OPI&E in the field of transport projects . Having gained experience from the implementation of the OPI&E in the previous programming period (2007-2013), the CEUTP fully supports the Beneficiaries in the process of preparation and implementation of investment projects in order to make the most effective use of EU funds allocated for spending under the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020.

The Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment (OPI&E) is the programme for which the most resources are allocated in the 2014-2020 financial perspective – € 27.4 billion.

As in the previous EU financial perspective, OPI&E 2014-2020 supports the development of the country’s infrastructure. The funds from this Programme contribute to the continued, sustainable development of the economy and an increase of its competitiveness.

Funds from the Programme specifically finance such areas as:

  • low emission economy
  • environmental protection
  • counteracting and adapting to climate change
  • transport and energy security
  • health care and cultural heritage

Most of the resources are provided for transport projects, such as roads, railways, urban, air and sea transport. The main recipients of the support are public entities, including local government units. The support is also targeted at entrepreneurs.

The transport projects, the funding of which is CEUTP’s responsibility, are implemented under four priorities:

Measure 3.1 Development of the TEN-T road and air network

Measure 3.2 Development of maritime transport, inland waterways and multimodal connections

The pool of funds available -16 841,3 million Euros
Financial support for investments in the following areas:

  • development of road and rail infrastructure in the TEN-T network, rail connections outside this network and in agglomerations
  • low-emission urban transport, inland, maritime and intermodal transport
  • improving air traffic safety

Measure 4.1 Increasing transport accessibility of urban centers located within the TEN-T road network and relieving cities from excessive traffic

Measure 4.2.Increasing transport accessibility of urban centers located outside the TEN-T road network and relieving cities from excessive traffic

The pool of funds available – 2 925 million Euros for underdeveloped regions and 75.4 Euros million for more developed regions
Financial support for investments in the following areas:

  • improving the capacity of road infrastructure (including ring roads and exit roads).

Measure 5.1 Development of the TEN-T rail network, content in the attached file

Measure 5.2 Development of rail transport outside TEN-T (urban railway – Infrastructure)

Measure 5.2 Development of railway transport outside TEN-T (rolling stock)

The envisaged pool of funds available – 5 009,7 million Euros
Financial support for investments in the following areas:

  • improving the condition of railway connections between main Polish cities
  • modernization of the existing railway routes in the TEN-T network but also outside it (network connections, sections connecting important industrial and economic centers)
  • railway passenger and cargo transport companies
  • Railway connections in cities (urban railways)
  • lines forming an element of the connections of seaports and airports with economic facilities in the interior of the country and the connection of multimodal platforms

Measure 6.1 Development of public transport in cities

The envisaged pool of funds available – 2,299.2 million Euros
Financial support for investments in the following areas:

  • increasing the use of low emission urban transport and the development of the public transport system in cities
  • reducing urban congestion
  • improving traffic flow and limitation of the negative impact of transport on the environment in cities and their functional areas

Who can apply for co-financing

The following may apply for co-financing of transport projects in individual sectors:

  • urban railways area: the local authority units (including their associations and partnerships) and organizational units and special purpose partnerships acting on their behalf as well as managers of infrastructure and carriers providing services of railway passenger transport in the cities and their functional areas. Within the railway transport outside the cities (lines outside TEN-T network), the beneficiaries will include the managers of railway infrastructure (including railway stations) and railway passenger and goods transport companies as well as partnerships established in particular provide a service of renting/leasing the rolling stock (ROSCO) and local authorities (railway station infrastructure and rolling stock).
  • urban transport field: the local authority units (including their associations and partnerships) – voivodeship cities and their functional areas and organizational units and special purpose partnerships acting on their behalf as well as managers of infrastructure for urban transport and public transport operators

railway infrastructure managers (including railway stations) and passenger and goods transportation companies, as well as partnerships established in particular provide a service of renting/leasing the rolling stock (ROSCO) and local authorities (railway station infrastructure and rolling stock)

national road network manager and the territorial government units of cities with poviat rights, including the cities which are the urban nodes of the core TEN-T network (acting as the managers of national road sections located within cities with poviat rights) and their organizational units

entities administrating airports located in the TEN-T network, national airspace administration body (Polish Air Navigation Services Agency – PANSA)

the water management and inland navigation authorities (Regional Water Management Board- RWMB; inland navigation offices)

the management of the ports: Gdańsk, Gdynia, Szczecin, Świnoujście and the above mentioned Voivodeship cities (local authority units), maritime authorities, maritime rescue forces and operators of the infrastructure of road or railway access to seaports

the rescue forces (technical rescue) and the government authority bodies as well as their subordinate units and offices acting within the field.

Particular support under the OPI&E for the railway, maritime, inland waterway, road safety (BRD) and intermodal sectors is based on the objectives of the European Transport Policy and the Transport Development Strategy until 2020.

Breakdown of investments

The investments under OPI&E 2014-2020 have been divided into four branches:

  • railroad – investments of national importance and 11 investments of macroregional importance under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020
  • 42 road investments
  • 48 maritime investments
  • 25 inland investments

This division results from the Implementation Document to the Transport Development Strategy until 2020.
It is a specification of the Transport Development Strategy until 2020 (with a perspective until 2030). This document also includes criteria for selecting projects from the list of road, rail and water (marine and inland) investments.

Contact us

Contact for Beneficiaries

  • submitting applications
  • questions about the programs
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Information points

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contactfor the media and for citizens

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Office CUPT

Plac Europejski 2, 00-844 Warszawa

Monday – Friday
hours: 8:15 – 16:15

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logotyp - Rzeczpospolita Polska
logotyp - CUPT
logotyp - Europejski Fundusz Strukturalne i Inwestycyjne

The website is co-funded from the Cohesion Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment and from the European Regional Development Fund in the framework of The Operational Programme Eastern Poland.

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